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May 13. Wayfinding Maptomize Digital Signage/Narrowcasting

Why wayfinding is essential for your organization

We've all had this experience. We walk into a building, don't know exactly where we need to be and the directions are not clearly marked.

AV screen in atrium 1
May 7. Digital Signage/Narrowcasting

8 advantages of digital signage

Why it can be beneficial for your company

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Apr 30. Digital Signage/Narrowcasting

How can you promote health and safety in the workplace?


covid 19 4938932
Apr 15. Software Development

Working from home during the corona crisis: This is how you do it!

This is how you do it!

Featured Rich Men Laughing
Oct 3. Team Augmentation Software Development

8 reasons why you should outsource software or application development

“The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.” Azim Premji

Consulting Backgorund
Apr 12. Software Development

Software development consulting services

How can external IT services benefit your company

Apr 3. Software Development

Web-based application development

Why web-based applications have the upper edge

custom software development
Sep 21. Software Development

Custom software development for a small business

Why and when to take the journey of creating your own software.