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P&O Ferries

Customizing your Visitor Management System

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Streamlining Visitor Management for P&O Ferries with Digital Reception


Client Introduction

P&O Ferries is a prominent ferry company in the United Kingdom, with routes connecting the country to Ireland, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. They employ about 2000 people, have a fleet of 20 ships, and execute over 30,000 sailings every year. They transport almost 10 million passengers, 1.6 million vehicles, and 2.2 million freight units per year.

With thousands of visitors and employees coming and going every day, P&O Ferries was having difficulty managing the visitor registration and check-in processes. They approached Future Forward, a leading developer of digital custom solutions, for assistance in streamlining visitor and employee management and improving the overall visitor experience. Future Forward suggested a custom-made Digital Reception system (visitor management system) that would provide complete guest registration in a smart and courteous manner, as well as improve visitor management.


Development Process

Our visitor management system solution was designed to ease common visitor tasks while also providing additional help to visitors as well as staff members. Two digital reception screens were installed, one in the central hall and one on the first-level floor.

Visitors and employees may register on both screens, and visitors could also register for parcel deliveries. The first screen had a touchscreen application for visitors and parcel delivery to check in, while the second should have featured a QR code for staff to check in.


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Features and Benefits

The Digital Reception solution provided several features, including:

  • Visitor Check-in: upon arrival, the touchscreen application allowed visitors to register themselves, making the check-in procedure quick and easy
  • Visitor Checkout: Upon leaving, visitors may easily check out, providing a streamlined process for both P&O Ferries and their visitors
  • Parcel Deliveries: Visitors could register parcel delivery, which allowed P&O Ferries to track arriving deliveries and ensure they reached their intended recipient
  • Food Delivery: Visitors could register food deliveries to ensure that they were delivered to the correct individual
  • Employee QR Code Check-in: employees might check in using a QR code, making employee check-ins more efficient and secure
  • Employee QR Code Checkout: employees may also use a QR code to check out, ensuring that their working hours are correctly recorded
  • CMS to Manage: Future Forward created a content management system (CMS) to store personnel data and contact information, as well as to provide a comprehensive overview of all registered visitors
  • Look into Logs: P&O Ferries was also able to review logs of registered visitors and employee check-ins/outs, which provided significant information for future improvements



The key issue for Future Forward was to provide a system that could accommodate a high volume of visitors and staff while still ensuring a pleasant and hassle-free tourist experience. We also needed to make sure the solution was scalable and easy to upgrade and maintain.


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Our company collaborated thoroughly with the client to understand their specific objectives and pain areas before developing a Digital Reception solution that satisfied their requirements. A content management system (CMS) provided a centralized place for handling visitor management processes and staff information as part of the solution. The CMS enabled our client to hire new staff, invite visitors, and keep track of both employees and visitors on a daily basis.

In order to enable the client to simply expand the system as their needs changed, our custom software development company also made sure the solution was scalable. The system was meant to be adaptive and versatile, allowing it to be readily upgraded and maintained when new requirements arose.



Our client's visitor management procedures have been significantly altered by the Digital Reception system offered by Future Forward. The solution enhanced the guest experience by facilitating a simple and efficient check-in and check-out process. P&O Ferries can now manage visitor and employee information more effectively thanks to the CMS, which provides a centralized place for handling all visitor management operations and staff information.



In conclusion, Future Forward's digital reception project for the client was a great success. The implementation of digital reception displays has transformed visitor and employee registration procedures, streamlining them and giving additional support to visitors as well as employees. P&O Ferries now has a single location for managing visitor management operations and employee information thanks to the project's functionality, such as visitor check-in, parcel and meal delivery, employee QR code check-in, and CMS to manage employees and their relevant data.

The implementation of a digital reception system has greatly enhanced visitor management by allowing for increased efficiency, accuracy, and security in the registration process. Furthermore, the system gave a clear and comprehensive picture of the number of visitors and staff that checked in and exited on a daily basis, which may be utilized for data analysis and decision-making.

Do you need custom built software for visitor management? Great, contact us on the link below and let's explore how we can built it.


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P&O Ferries

Year: 2024
Categories: Touchscreen, Platform

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